
Think Big !

Market did stop near 20127 (19993) level and ended  close to our targeted period :mid of April (11/4). Once markets' sentiments is too bearish, contrarian theory applied.
Market momentum is still building up after all those scaring news eg. Euro or china economy. Complex head & shoulders formed. Pullback to NK is finished heading to 24,000 . Chart may also look like Rising Wedge with first and second Zigzag 4068/4196 respectively. If the amplitude of the  third Zigzag the same, market will easily reach 24000+.
No matter what, market will inevitably up.  We suggest to hold portfolio aiming at 24,000. Time  will be in Mid of July or early August.
Forecast is only based on assumptions and with certain constraints. Put your protective stop by  using Stop #1 & #2 trendlines.
Happy Trading!
