

Market momentum is still strong but we have to watch out reversal due. Following correction might be 1500 points minimum. But this correction
helps to build a larger head & shoulders with measurable objective to 20,000+ within this year.
Something worth to note that Wave C as we believed is 118 days. We spent 50 days to make 3 waves up and 40 days to make 3 waves down.
We are so eager to see how to use 28 days; relatively short time to make
5 waves up to 15000+ level.
Someone told me that 118 days is very important in Bible. I don't know but its important to me at least. Its a kind of satisfaction and psychological accomplishment if this really work out. I got paid of my study done.
Possible ideal short-term price target will be 15761 and time target will be 17-4 to 21-4 in order to keep everything orderly.
17-4 Venus turns direct
21-4 Mar conjunct Venus
see whether these phenomenon act as
a coolant or catalyst to this crazy
market. Good Luck !
