

Attached charts intend to give a clearer picture  showing reasons why a low could be formed in terms of  Fib. Ratios, Wave counts , trendlines and time element.

1/- C is more or less 1.236 of A=24000-23081=(919X1.236)-23480=22344

2/- time of correction of A=34 hours
 time of correction of B&C=89 hours, 89 is 2.618 of 34and both are Fib. Nos.

3/- For extended C wave, Wave 1 (218)=Wave 5 (218)
     22581-218=22363 (1=5)

4/- Recent low 22364 touch neckline of big head & shoulder bottom, an intermediate trendline and an adjusted Gann fans touching most of tops & bottoms.

No one knows where the bottom would be but at least we still  have some tactics to rely upon. As we can see from the charts that  a H & S top formed with its neckline almost the same level as 61.8% rebound of Wave C=23057. Any day close above this level would regard as correction finished.
Happy Trading